RSVP by April 23 for this year’s Spring Banquet
GGBFSC Skaters: You are invited to come walk the red carpet because YOU are the VIPs!
The Red Carpet Gala is this yyear’s GGBFSC Spring Banquet. The event will be held on May 7 from 5-9 pm at The Ravine, 2633 Manitowoc Road in Green Bay.
The event includes a dinner, award ceremony, photo opportunities, craft, music and fun!
RSVP, Purchase Tickets
This year’s event is free to Full Club members and Coaches.
The cost is $23 for those who are not Full Club members.
RSVP on EntryEeze by April 23. Please include skater attending and number of extra guests, then go to your cart and check out. Please check out, even if no payment is required.
Spring Show: It’s time to invite guests, PLUS important skater information!
Help us spread the word about the Spring Show! Use this flyer to tell friends and family – or even share with your extended network on your own personal social media.
Show information: Location – Cornerstone Community Ice Center, Rink 3 Date/Time – May 6th at 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm

Skater Information
Club skater Practices at Cornerstone Community Ice Center, Rink 3 from 4:00-9:00 pm:
Monday, April 24th
Thursday, April 27th
Monday, May 1st
Thursday, May 4th
*A more detailed schedule will be sent out very soon.
Dress Rehearsal at Cornerstone Community Ice Center, Rink 3:
All skaters must attend: May 5th @ 5:30-9:00 pm

Spring LTS registration now open!
Spring Session dates: Saturdays, April 22, 29 May 13, 20 June 3, 10 (6 week session)
Time: 8:30am-9:30am

Ice Schedule
All ice must be contracted by 11:59 pm the day before the session. If you miss that deadline and want to skate, you can use a coach’s reserve to still skate.
Reminder that a skater can skate on club ice without a coach. This is a great opportunity for practice time.
To access the full calendar use this link.
Save the date!

Save the date for July 10-15 for the Summer camp and test session.
Club Fundraisers
All ways to raise money for the club:
KICKS Fundraiser
KICKS is holding a fundraiser with KWIK TRIP! Car wash cards are 5 ultimate washes for $36. There are also regular gift cards in increments of 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500. See any KICKS team member for purchase.
Competitions and Test Sessions:
Watch the national Entryeeze website for additional competitions. From the homepage, click Skaters, then use the state menu.
- Escanaba Spring Fling – April 14-16
- WI Rapids Camp & Test – April 27-29
- Compete USA Competition in Fond du Lac, May 6 (deadline April 1)
- Timberline Camp & Test Session – May 18-21 (NEW: Marcie Kierpiec now joining. Her rate is $25/15 min. Lessons are first come, first serve.)

Subscribe to the Newsletter
Click on the “Follow Us” link below to subscribe to the newsletter. Video instructions.
Comments, Questions Concerns for the GGBFSC Board?
We have a form! We want to help. This form is submitted to only the Executive Board which is made up of the GGBFSC President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Submissions are treated with the strictest confidentiality to maintain the integrity of all parties involved.
Drop us a line!
Please submit all announcements for the newsletter by THURSDAY the week you would like the information to be added to the newsletter.
We would love to share pictures of our skaters on Facebook and Instagram.