Positive COVID tests for skaters and immediate family members MUST be reported to Sarah Schoen immediately!!
Now you can be notified about a new newsletter us using an RSS Feed at the end of any page. You can also click on the “follow it” icon at the end of the newsletter to have your newsletter delivered to your inbox using feed.it An email will be sent to your inbox with the link just like we do now. Here is a video of how to sign up.
GGBFSC Skate Camp
Thanks to everyone who participated in the GGBFSC Summer Skate Camp this past week!
We’d like to feature some of the action from camp in our newsletter and Facebook. If you have any pictures of your skater at camp that you are comfortable sharing, please email them to ggbfscmarketing@gmail.com.
Good luck to all the skaters participating today (July 17) in the Test Session!

Attention High School Skaters
On July 13, the High School Skating Team held their first informational session at Cornerstone. If you were unable to attend, and still would like to learn more about the team, Molly will be holding a follow-up meeting via Zoom.
The High School Skating Team follow-up informational meeting will be held on August 2 at 6:30pm. See below for the Zoom invitation:
Molly Kelly is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: High School Skating Team – Follow-Up
Time: Aug 2, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 741 5358 8069
Passcode: Zxr867
Please feel free to reach out to Coach Molly Kelly at mollykelly57@gmail.com or (920) 265-9553 if you have any questions.

Registration Form Now Available for ASPIRE Camp
The U.S. Figure Skating Aspire program helps beginning figure skaters make the transition from learn to skate group classes into U.S. Figure Skating membership. Designed to go hand in hand with U.S. Figure Skating introductory membership, Aspire is intended to boost member retention, keep skaters on the ice and teach young athletes and their families what it means to be a figure skater.
Open to Basic 4 and up — As well as new New Club members
- Next Camp date: August 10th from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

July 19, 9:25 am Specialty Class is Pose.
Ice Schedule
Walk-ons are not available at this time. There will be no exceptions. All ice must be contracted by 11:59 pm the day before the session.
There is an option to use a Coach’s Reserve that should we confirmed with your coach in advance as well as communicated to the Ice Monitor at the start of the session.
Upcoming Events
- August 10 — 9:30 am to 4:30 pm ASPIRE Camp
Next Test Session
- July 17, 2021 upper level
Fundraising balance due amounts can be viewed in Entryeeze under, Volunteer > My Volunteer Hours
Check out our fundraising page for available options for fundraising all year.
Questions: Contact Jen Kreuser

Learn to Skate
We are looking for GGBFSC Club members age 13+ to help out. Please email Sarah at ggbfsc.lts@gmail.com if interested
Summer registration is full.
Summer classes Wednesday 5:20 – 6:20 pm / 5:50 – 6:50 pm
Competition Announcements
Check out these competitions at other clubs…
- Skate the Lake (Aug. 20-22)
- Rocket Ice Classic (Aug. 28)

Board Minutes
Coming in July! An invitation was sent to your GGBFSC registered contact email.
Comments, Questions Concerns for the GGBFSC Board?
We have a form! We want to help. This form is submitted to only the Executive Board which is made up of the GGBFSC President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Submissions are treated with the strictest confidentiality to maintain the integrity of all parties involved.
Drop us a line!
Please submit all announcements for the newsletter by THURSDAY the week you would like the information to be added to the newsletter.
We would love to share pictures of our skaters on Facebook and Instagram.