Positive COVID tests for skaters and immediate family members MUST be reported to Sarah Schoen immediately!
Now you can be notified about a new newsletter us using an RSS Feed at the end of any page. You can also click on the “follow it” icon at the end of the newsletter to have your newsletter delivered to your inbox using feed.it An email will be sent to your inbox with the link just like we do now. Here is a video of how to sign up.
As of February 1, 2021 you will need to sign up with one of these two options to be notified of new newsletters. As always, they will be available on the website.
Cancelation of Skate GB and Change in Volunteer Hour Requirements
Your Board of Directors met Tuesday evening & had to make an additional difficult decision during these unstable times. Due to the ongoing pandemic & the guidelines set forth by U.S. Figure Skating for running competitions, we have decided we cannot safely run Skate Green Bay in March 2021. We will set our sights on running the competition in March 2022. We know this has been some tough times for everyone & please know we are just as disappointed by this decision as you are. Stay tuned for further information regarding the planned test session scheduled for March 12, 2021.
As a result of all of the events that we have had to cancel these past several months, the Board has decided to reduce the required 12 volunteer hours &/or committee requirement to 6 hours. In addition, these 6 hours can be met by ice monitoring. To clarify, the required 4 ice monitoring hours are still required. If your committee is not meeting this year, you might want to consider fulfilling that requirement by completing 6 additional ice monitoring hours by June 30, 2021. Please note: This change is only effective for this 2020-2021 season ONLY!


Titletown Skating Events
We are happy to announce Tiltetown has asked our club skaters to participate in skating demonstrations. We are looking for 5-8 skaters per day to participate. Dates available are 1/8, 1/11, 1/18, 2/8 and 2/22. Skaters need to arrive at Titletown at 4:15 pm and take the ice from 4:30 – 5:30 pm.
We ask that skaters only sign up for one session as we want all skaters to have the opportunity to skate. Registration is open in Entryeeze under “Volunteer Requests”. You are also required to complete the online waiver for the day you are participating.
This is a GGBFSC event so only club attire is permitted. If your skater is 14 or younger, a parent must be present. Please note, all Titletown rules must be followed at all times.

Ice Schedule
Walk-ons are not available at this time. There will be no exceptions. All ice must be contracted by 11:59 pm the day before the session.
The Fall Ice Session ends January 16, 2021. Ice punch cards (purchased ice time) does not carry over to the next session. Any ice purchased needs to be used up by January 16, 2021.
Masks are REQUIRED when indoors.
Upcoming Events
- Skate Green Bay — CANCELED
- Working on planning for 2022. Questions: Contact the Skate Green Bay Committee
- 2021 Ice Show – A Party on Ice!
- Join the party on May 22, 2021. Questions: Contact the Ice Show Committee
Next Test Session
- January 23, 2020 — GGBFSC Single Judge Panel Test Session
Check out our fundraising page for available options for fundraising all year.
Questions: Contact Jen Kreuser

Learn to Skate
Registration Opening Soon for the next sessions:
Winter II Registration opens Feb. 7
Communication with Board Members
You may have seen GGBFSC Board members in or at the rink. This is an effort to be more available to Club members to answer questions you may have.
You can also use the form in the next section to share your comments, questions, and concerns.
See you at the rink!

Donations of Cleaning Supplies Needed
We are looking for single use wipes or a spray and paper towel to clean the music player area. If you would like to donate supplies please reply to the newsletter.
Comments, Questions Concerns for the GGBFSC Board?
We have a form! We want to help. This form is submitted to only the Executive Board which is made up of the GGBFSC President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Submissions are treated with the strictest confidentiality to maintain the integrity of all parties involved.
Drop us a line!
Please submit all announcements for the newsletter by THURSDAY the week you would like the information to be added to the newsletter.
We would love to share pictures of our skaters on Facebook and Instagram.